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Annual Report 2020-21

Summer 2020 was not what was planned. Students were quarantined. Internships were canceled or shifted to 100% remote. Class of 2020 graduates felt like the best job market in decades vanished overnight. That said, we shifted gears to reinvent, and in some cases, create new virtual learning options and alum interactions, in addition to, the launch of our new career communities.

It is ironic that during a year where we launched our Discover - Explore - Connect approach to teaching students about career agility, the Office of Internship and Career Development required greater agility than ever as we:

  • Launched Reinventing Summer 2020 featuring twelve alums
  • Collaborated closely with SUMMIT team members to launch virtual career discovery and exploration in Legacy, SCALE and our new SUM 120: Career Exploration Lab
  • Recruited and trained our first cohort of Career Peers in collaboration with the Center for Writing and Speaking
  • Added new options for internship and research funding to reduce financial barriers for career connection during COVID-19 pandemic
  • Launched four career communities with new association memberships and deeper employer engagement by career sector

Throughout the entire year, we collaborated with faculty and staff across the college to finalize and pilot elements of the Professional Success initiative, which is central to the college’s new strategic plan.

We are excited to share the results of our agile efforts in this report and hope you will enjoy reading about our professional success work with Agnes Scott students and alums.

See the full 2020-21 Annual Report (PDF)

Contact Us


Buttrick Hall, Garden Level
Buttrick G26


Connecting with Scotties

The segment of the student population connected with the Office of Internship and Career Development during the pandemic
Increase in Instagram followers
Increase in LinkedIn connections
Increase in event and program sign-ups
Growth in digital engagement across platforms

Reinventing Career Exploration

As summer internships were canceled or hours reduced, we made a pivot to create Reinventing Summer, a series of professional development webinars that engaged students in career exploration and learning. Agnes Scott College alums were instrumental in sharing their experiences. Students were incentivized with a stipend to participate in multiple webinars.
Participants who found the workshop content helpful
Total students attended the professional development workshop series
Students earned a professional development stipend

Career Peers

We are excited to launch Career Peers, a best practice in career development. Peers create an open, inclusive environment for crafting resumes and LinkedIn profiles — critical parts of a student's professional toolkit. Trained and co-located with our amazing CWS tutors, Career Peers focus on helping students tell their professional stories in writing and with effective interview skills.

Top Reasons for Meetings:

Résumé and cover letter review
Personal statements for job and fellowship applications
Interview preparation
LinkedIn Profile Review

Experiential Learning

Hands-on, experiential experiences improve learning outcomes and contribute to professional success. Whether students apply to graduate school or jobs, the ability to demonstrate skills and knowledge is critical.
The segment of the Class of 2021 completed internships
Reported internships or mentored research/project
In internship funding for 2020-21 awarded to 50+ students
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